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发布日期:2024-05-26 09:09    点击次数:107

逸想着,逸想着,4月19日终于到了!高声告诉我,今天是什么日子?今天是“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)发新专辑的日子!《THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT》,汉文译名《倒霉诗社》追究发布!系数31首歌大放送,犀利了霉霉,当之无愧的“业界劳模”!Taylor Swift has sent herdie-hard fansinto a frenzy after announcing her new album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” is a double album.泰勒·斯威夫特晓喻她新专辑《倒霉诗社》是双专辑,让她的铁杆粉丝堕入狂热。Titled “The Anthology,” Swift’s late-night surprise, announced at 2 a.m., includes 15 bonus tracks, bringing the total song count to awhopping31.斯威夫特更阑惊喜发布的《The Anthology》专辑包含 15 首稀奇曲目,歌曲总和达到惊东说念主的 31 首。该专辑于凌晨 2 点晓喻。



It’s not like she exactly lacked forcandoras a writer at any point in the past, but “The Tortured Poets Department” feels like it comes the closest of any of her 11 original albums to just drilling a tube directly into her brain and letting listeners mainline what comes out.


If you value thisconfessionalquality most of all, she’s stillpeaking: As a culmination of her particular genius for marrying cleverness with catharsis, “Tortured” kind of feels like the Taylor Swift-est Taylor Swift record ever.

“要是你最垂青的是泰勒·斯威夫特败露心扉的品性,那么她仍然处于巅峰气象。《倒霉诗社》这张专辑完好地展现了她将明智机灵与神情宣泄高明聚合的专有身手,嗅觉是史上最 ‘泰勒·斯威夫特’ 的专辑。”

02 网友热议:前男友们汗流夹背了吗?



On opening track \"Fortnight,\" Swift wistfully reflects about becoming strangers with a former lover. \"And no one here's to blame/ But what about your quiet treason?\" she sings about the short-lived romance. \"I took the miracle move-on-drug/ The effects were temporary/ And I love you, it's ruining my life.\"

在第一首歌《Fortnight》中,斯威夫特忧伤地回忆着与前男友酿成陌路东说念主的履历。她唱说念:“莫得东说念主应该受到驳诘 / 但你的千里默的抵挡呢?”“我服用了神奇的药物 / 但后果是暂时的 / 我爱你,这毁了我的生存。”

Taylor appears to reference the end of her relationship with Joe Alwyn and her subsequent fling with Matty Healy in the first track on her album.


《So Long, London》

Fans were especially primed for the fifth track, “So Long, London,” given that (1) Swift has said she often sequences her most vulnerable and emotionally intense songs fifth on an LP, and (2) the title suggested it may be about Joe Alwyn, the English actor who was Swift’s boyfriend for about six years, reportedly until early 2023.

粉丝们对第五首歌曲《So Long, London》相配期待,原因有二,其一是泰勒·斯威夫特曾深切,她不息将专辑中最脆弱、最具神情张力的歌曲排在第五位。其二是歌曲的标题默示这首歌可能与英国演员乔·阿尔文关系。据报说念,两东说念主曾往复六年,直到2023年头。

Indeed, “So Long” is an epic breakup tune, with lines like “You left me at the house by the heath” and “I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.”

没错,《So Long, London》是一首史诗般的仳离曲,歌词中包含着诸如「你把我丢下了境界旁的屋子」和「我厌烦的是你让我白白浪掷了整个芳华」这么的句子。

《The Tortured Poets Department》(专辑同名曲)

The title track, “The Tortured Poets Department,” also seems to reference Healy, and its title appears to be a joke aimed at him for bringing a typewriter to her apartment in the vein of famed poets like Dylan Thomas.

主打歌《The Tortured Poets Department》似乎也暗射了马蒂·希利(英国乐队The 1975主唱)。歌名听起来像是开打趣,戏弄他学着着名诗东说念主迪伦·托马斯相通,抱着打字机来到她的公寓。

The fact that Healy has previously spoken of his affinity for typewriters lends credence to the theory that the song is in fact about him; in 2018, he told GQ that he “really” likes working on typewriters and putting pen to paper — and even hinted at having crushes on unnamed “pop stars.”


这首歌的歌词里以至还有“断眉”Charlie Puth的友情客串:

'You smokеd then ate seven bars of chocolate / We declared Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist. '

\"你抽了烟,然后吃了七块巧克力 / 咱们晓喻查理·普斯应该成为更伟大的艺术家。八卦归八卦,更多歌迷如故更专注于霉霉的音乐。不得不说,霉霉粉丝们,果然“吃得又饱又好”!新歌行家齐听上了吗?快来说说最心爱哪一首?

当天词汇 2024/4/19

die-hard fans:铁杆粉丝

whopping:adj.巨大的, 宏大的















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